Tree Works Permits

Trees are a part of Kingston’s character. They provide us with social, economic and environmental benefits. We're naturally committed to conservation and protection of trees, especially large canopy trees that take many years to mature. In line with the State Government’s Biodiversity Strategy, we're aiming for no further net loss in canopy cover throughout the city.

Permit Requirements

A Local Law permit is needed to remove, prune or undertake works to any tree (including multi-stemmed trees) with a trunk circumference of 110cm or more measured at ground level. Further, a local law permit is also required to undertake works within the critical root zone of any significant tree or vegetation. If you require a permit, Click Here for the relevant application form.
It is an offence under Local Law 5 Clause 40(3)(a) - (Protection of Trees and Vegetation) to remove, damage, kill or destroy any tree or vegetation.
A Planning Permit may also be required to remove any vegetation (native to Victoria) on land greater than 4,000m2. Speak to our Vegetation Management Officer or visit the DSE website for more details on native vegetation removal.

Providing quality tree care from the ground up

Significant Trees

The City of Kingston has established a Significant Tree Register to help identify and conserve trees of importance to the community. The Register aims to preserve the municipality's leafy neighbourhood character, cultural heritage, history, and biological diversity. For more information please refer to Council's Significant Tree Register Page.

Trees and Development

If you have trees on your site that may be affected by a proposed development, you may be required to submit an aboricultural report with your Planning Application. For guidelines in relation to what is required in this report, please Click Here
In addition to the above if planning a development, the following forms may be helpful when preparing the landscape component of your development application:
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